Tales of Insanity

(the teenage years)

Should I...

June 6 2007, 1:32 AM

Post my story here?
I've posted it publicly a couple other places, and it's a work in progress.
It's very emo, though...
Anyone interested?

Posted in asdfghjk!


micron: sure why not? in the far future, i thinl im going to... 06-06-07 02:35 AM

Soon I shall...

June 5 2007, 1:10 AM

Break the heart of my best friend...
And tell him everything will be okay.
And that I'm fine.
And I keep lying to myself, to everyone around me...
Which is why I must leave Jon.
I need to heal, and for me to heal fully, I need to do it alone.
So this is it, Jon.

Posted in asdfghjk!


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May 31 2007, 1:17 AM

Some people just don't get it.
You know? It's like you try and try to tell them what is right in front of them, and they still have NO idea what you mean.
Whether it's ignorance or they really are that oblivious, I am not sure.
But anyway.
I recently discovered that I'm pretty much screwed.
Part of me wants to break up with Jon, but if I do I'll be completely alone.
Another part wants me to stay, but if I do I'll just be bored.
Part of me wants to have Maranda treat me like an actual person again, but if she does then I'll never be free of her manipulative ways.
Another part of me wants to go up to her and rip her throat out and then feed it to a pack of wild dogs that are freefalling from 10,000 feet up in the air.
(I told you, I have issues)
Either way I'm going to end up alone and miserable.
I'm already there.
Please, please, let the school blow up or something... 
I don't know if I can make it through the next 16 days.

Posted in asdfghjk!


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Day oo2(12:31PM)

May 28 2007, 3:33 PM

So. Here I am. Typing out vague and indescriptive details of my life. Fun, isn't it? I suppose I should give you some sort of..."explanation" to my unhappiness. But you must swear that you will not judge and/or stereotype me in any way. Get it? Good. 
I do believe that I am insane.
Honestly. There is something in my brain that is...not quite right.
There you have it.

Posted in asdfghjk!


micron: hmm have you tried talking to someone about this? 05-30-07 05:30 AM
HakunaMatata: Well, is anyone ever perfectly quite right? :] 05-29-07 11:10 PM
lkajsfklajskds: dont worry, ur not alone, i feel this way every day. i... 05-28-07 03:50 PM

Day oo1

May 27 2007, 11:12 PM

You know, you'd think that being a teenage girl with a boyfriend, average grades, "friends", and a pretty stable home life, I'd be happy.
Wouldn't you know it? I'm not.

Posted in asdfghjk!


micron: why arent you? 05-28-07 05:29 AM
robb0: I feel you. Story of my life. 05-28-07 12:52 AM


  • Female
  • 15 years old


Entries 8
Comments 6
Page views 2,832
Last update Jun 11, 2007